Why the Wait?

Well, it is good news for our sister company Central Upholstery…but bad news for KCFurniture…

Not enough time in the day!

At Central Upholstery after the lockdowns lifted for our line of work, the jobs came flooding in from the commercial sector. So of course, Central Upholstery being the existing business, with expectations from existing clients, we had to put them first.

The showroom is a huge part of Kudos Contract Furniture, so it is still very much on the cards, fabrics, furniture and layout has already been chosen and designed, so it’s just a case of having the time to upholster the chairs and getting it all in situ…Just bare with us!


In the Mean Time…

We are focusing on the website and social media aspect of the new business, and getting everything running smoothly. We still have the capability and capacity to help you chose the best furniture, lighting, wallpaper, and fabric for your Interiors.

We are still here to help with all your enquiries and orders